The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) is a four-part assessment system that provides a multi-dimensional perspective on leadership. There are seven levels that are assessed to see how a person views the world or circumstances that surface for them in different situations. Each level represents either a mental or an emotional response. It is also categorized by anabolic versus catabolic energies. Anabolic energy promotes growth and creative ideas, while catabolic energy breaks things down and can present negative or counterproductive thoughts.
A great outcome of the assessment and debrief process is it shows participants how to use each level to help them achieve their goals. Ideally leaders would like to operate at the highest level, which is level 7, because it allows a person to experience life with no judgement. At level seven, a person applies the balance of effort and ease instantly when faced with challenges.
The ELI study revealed several findings about the relationship between how a person respond’s to life’s challenges and leadership. The data analysis showed that leaders with more of an anabolic energetic makeup and outlook, demonstrated more leadership competencies and the more their colleagues agreed with them. Conversely, leaders operating at lower, more catabolic levels were less confident in their leadership skills and were, in turn, viewed as less competent by their colleagues.
The results of the Core Energy study suggest that if leaders could experience an impact on their ability to function more effectively and enjoy work.
The most significant differences are that leaders are:
The first part is the standard ELI, which contains seventy self-rating questions used to determine a leader’s energetic makeup. The questions measure aspects of the seven levels that make up a person’s Core Energy. Once the online assessment is completed by the participant, they will receive a comprehensive report that provides data on how they show up during their normal activities versus times when stressful challenges surface. The great outcome of this discussion is it brings awareness to the client to understand why things are happening in their work environments or personal spaces.
The debrief session will highlight themes and present questions for the participant to discuss. The goal of the debrief discussion is to offer both parties an understanding of where to target future sessions and present tools for the client to use in the future.
Brandy has 100+ hours of coaching experience, while integrating 20 years of navigating corporate America!
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